Thursday, February 08, 2007

Forever 27

Heather got a strike!
Originally uploaded by boroughsix.
But I haven't told you about my birthday (of Jan.26) in which i turned 27 years old with a smile on my face (see myspace) and a sigh in my heart.

Heather took me to a rather wonderful restuarant in Manhattan in which AFTER their buffet of appetizers, salads and antepasto, waiters came by with skewers of meats and sliced them directly onto your plate. i heart meat.

after dinner it was back to home to find quite a surprise: heather had my sacred radiohead poster framed in a quality frame, and it's hanging now in our living room with all the authority of a a Renoir.

The next day we went bowling with some friends at the Port Authority, and Heather kicked my ass. not the first time.

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