Sunday, August 27, 2006

Bon Voyage, or, The Children's Crusade...

This weekend I said goodbye to my 'freelance' (read: Temp) status at work and was hired on, outright. Goodbye timecards, hello benefits. Also, Rob had his going-away party replete with girly drinks and manly men. He's going to Ireland to live and work for 18 months, and he will be sorely missed.

The weekend was wonderful, depsite (or because of) the cooling weather and the rainy-day ambience of a subdued Bushwick. Also, do you remember that radio program I attended at which I met Kurt Vonnegut? Here it is, I asked the first studio question at about minute 9:43....

Thursday, August 24, 2006


I'm not even kidding, someone at work took my stapler!

Monday, August 21, 2006

36 Hours in Queensbury, New York

After work on Friday, Heather and I and Pat and Mark jumped in a rented car and high-tailed it for the place of our auspicious high school years, Queensbury. In what is turning out to be an annual stay at Camp Moynihan on Glen Lake in tandem with a late summer Saratoga Race Track excursion/gamble-fest, we again had a wonderful time in all aspects of the mini-getaway. The lake was warm and inviting for swimming and though the weather was mostly rainy, that didn't stop me from turning a $2 bet on a 44-1 longshot into a 91 dollar payday! Nor did it stop us menfolk from another dinger-fest/homerun tournament in which I hit a grand total of 0 dingers and earned a gross (literally 144) amount of mosquito bites. I am like sugar to them! The rain didn't stop our imbibing of many a beer and consumption of pork in various forms, it didn't stop us from laughing all night or my chastising Mike and Pat for not knowing who Jimmy Carter's brother is.

It was nice to hear crickets again, it was nice to swim in a natural body of water that didn't smell funny, it was nice to get away, but it was also nice to come back.

Friday, August 11, 2006

Begin Year 2

But I forgot to tell you that we've been here over a year now, and yes we have decided to stay put, renewing our lease, appreciateing our new jobs and situations and letting our sentences run on and on and on.

The neighborhood (Bushwick) has really changed since we've moved in. It's like every able-bodied hipster who doesn't want to pay Williamsburg (aka Manhattan, Jr.) rent is moving down the L train. I originally liked my barrio for its gritty nature, ethnic monolithism (hispanic) and sense of distance. But the recent newcomers provide an interesting influx of character.

This past week my friend Hart has come to visit. I met him in 6th grade in Iowa City; we used to sneak out in the middle of night and try to meet girls. He was the first of my crew to touch a boob. He's awesome.