Monday, April 02, 2007

Best. Risotto. Ever.

It was a tragically fun weekend, replete with visiting friends from across the nation, BBBQing (the extra B is for BYOBB [that extra B is a typo]) and Frisbee in Prospect park

MikeVisit 061

MikeVisit 076

MikeVisit 119

and a fantastic dinner at an underground supperclub run by the Low in Williamsburg. The food was exquisite and abundant, the hosts were resplendent, and it was the perfect exclamation point to an already fun day. i love receiving visitors, i love it when a weekend works out so well, and, as it turns out, i really love risotto.

MikeVisit 212

MikeVisit 218

MikeVisit 231

MikeVisit 235

MikeVisit 269

MikeVisit 281



Anonymous said...

I see all of the lads out having a great night and I send jealously your way.


Anonymous said...

And also, Lowtime looks like a damn stallion, man.

marklow said...

I just saw this! Killer write-up! Mind if we include it on our press pack? Kidding. I was looking for a few kind words on Mr. Vonnegut, R.I.P. I'll be back.