Friday, February 23, 2007

Oh What a World

Originally uploaded by boroughsix.
Lots been going on since I rapped at ya. Heather and I took the Delta shuttle to Boston for Presidents Weekend. And if you're ever taking said shuttle from LaGuardia, go to the Marine Terminal A, because baby, it don't fly out from Terminal D!

Boston was great, the weather was cooperative to the point where we weren't stuck anywhere, and Loui's apartment (right next to Harvad [see picture]) was unique and profound.

On the wedding front, we're looking over invitations, and I've scheduled a trip to Lake Tahoe to see my friend Nicci, who is having me deputized in California as an officiant so I can play a major role in her own marriage in August.

My friend Jason in Arizona also got engaged, his wedding spills over into 2008, extending my year of magical drinking.

Thursday, February 08, 2007

Forever 27

Heather got a strike!
Originally uploaded by boroughsix.
But I haven't told you about my birthday (of Jan.26) in which i turned 27 years old with a smile on my face (see myspace) and a sigh in my heart.

Heather took me to a rather wonderful restuarant in Manhattan in which AFTER their buffet of appetizers, salads and antepasto, waiters came by with skewers of meats and sliced them directly onto your plate. i heart meat.

after dinner it was back to home to find quite a surprise: heather had my sacred radiohead poster framed in a quality frame, and it's hanging now in our living room with all the authority of a a Renoir.

The next day we went bowling with some friends at the Port Authority, and Heather kicked my ass. not the first time.