Wednesday, November 22, 2006

If Flickr Ever Worked Correctly

I had taken a picture of something rather odd on the subway, and put it up, what do you think?

Monday, November 20, 2006

Great Weekend

Saturday was fun, Heather had a brunch/wedding gown try-outs all day, and I did apt maintenence stuff (read: played Xbox) all day.

Sunday was also great, we went to a park wherein I found a lamp that had fallen off its post, much like the one pictured here, and I decided to take it back home to a) make a chandelier b) pot a plant inside it or c) sell it on eBay. it' pretty big, weighs like 45 pounds and looks cool, but i better figure out what to do with it, pronto.

the weekend was also peppered with games of Scrabble (thanks Nicci!) and warm coffee house hanging-out, and shrimp fetuccini. the freaking Broncos lost to the Chargers, which means the Chargers are probably contenders for the Superbowl (damn them), and the poker club i play with on Wall Street was interviewed for the local news.

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Very Niiiice

Heather and I saw Borat last night, and we have never laughed so hard in a theatre in my life. if you have the means, i highly recommend it, it is so choice.

in other news, plans are moving forward with invitations and save-the-dates. we are getting the proofs in directly. work is great too, the city is bustling and i've recently made a couple of rough YouTube commercials in my spare time, and uploaded my brother-in-law's run-in with a snake in Vegas. what do you think?

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

36 Hours in Luray, Virginia, OR I'm a Dumb Motherfucker, and I Vote!

The past weekend will prove to be one of the most wondrous of dinger-fest-bachelor parties in the annals of Queensbury bachelors: playing hooky from work, meeting in Jason's Park Slope apartment, getting picked up by Bryan and his rented minivan with Jaron in-tow and driving a good 7 hours to a cabin in Luray, Virginia for 36 hours of beer-drinking, meat-cooking, baseball-hitting action.

It was my first trip to the South and among the more interesting things (besides the gorgeous pastures and mountains) were the "One Man, One Woman" voting initiative sign, the "On marriage and homosexuality" marquee of the local church, gasoline was $1.99, and camoflauge was this year's juicy couture. Also, the locals were probably the ugliest race of people I've ever seen, a discovery that made us thank our lucky stars we decided agin' a stripper for the party.

I voted early this morning in Bushwick; an almost deserted senior center served as my polling place, which was thankfully just behind my building. I came face to face with an ancient voting machine comprised of a series of levers and switches, that probably was used during the Roosevelt adminstrations.

We'll see how the mid-terms shape up the future of this country, if they haven't lost my vote by then. And I wonder if that sign in Luray, or the church marquee will work its magic and drive the voters of Virginia to keep oppression legal.