Sunday, August 27, 2006

Bon Voyage, or, The Children's Crusade...

This weekend I said goodbye to my 'freelance' (read: Temp) status at work and was hired on, outright. Goodbye timecards, hello benefits. Also, Rob had his going-away party replete with girly drinks and manly men. He's going to Ireland to live and work for 18 months, and he will be sorely missed.

The weekend was wonderful, depsite (or because of) the cooling weather and the rainy-day ambience of a subdued Bushwick. Also, do you remember that radio program I attended at which I met Kurt Vonnegut? Here it is, I asked the first studio question at about minute 9:43....

1 comment:

NoVA Dad said...

I ran across this entry on Kurt Vonnegut today while doing a Google search; since posting my own encounter with Vonnegut on my blog, I’ve sought out the memories and opinions of others and have found some great stories. I really enjoyed reading of your experiences with Vonnegut as part of the studio audience (and having the chance to actually listen to your question), and just wanted to pass that along to you. I’m in the process of reading (and in some instances, re-reading) many of his books now and hoping that my daughters enjoy them when they get older as much as I do.

Matt Rhodes